Storytime Phoenix is located in the United States.
please e-mail us with questions or concerns
Submission guidelines
We accept unpublished, original submissions only.
Thank you for visiting our submissions page. We are excited that you have considered showcasing your work with us and look forward to the relationship.
By submitting your original, unpublished work to Storytime Phoenix, you give us permission to showcase the submitted creative work on our website, on the date of our choosing and for however long we deem is appropriate for the company. We also reserve the right to make edits that we feel are necessary for any work that is chosen. Storytime Phoenix makes no claim of authorship or copyright of your work. We are only here to discover and showcase your wonderful talent.
Short Stories
Short stories must be 500 words or less and must be mission appropriate. We consider "diversity" to mean, the complexity of human existence in all of its various forms. We love stories that inspire, touch our hearts or teach life lessons. Although we love silly stories, we also love classic tales and quite stories. We appreciate stories that share culture and heritage, but we are also fans of great stories with endearing characters the multi-culture aspect of the story as an after thought.
Short stories should be double spaced with all pertinent contact information including author website.
You may submit artwork with your story (we prefer it, but we reserve the right to publish both pieces separately unless you have an established author/illustrator platform.
Poetry must be no longer than 10-15 lines. Poetry should be double spaced with all pertinent contact information including author website.
Poetry can be any style as long as it is in line with our mission. See: (http://www.poetryfoundation.org/learning/glossary-terms?category=forms-and-types) for styles of poetry.
You may submit artwork with your poetry, but we reserve the right to publish both pieces separately.
five poems per submission. If you have not heard back from us within seven months, you may resubmit.
Visual Art
Visual Art must be child friendly and mission appropriate.
Five works of art per submission. If you have not heard back from us in seven months, you may resubmit.
By submitting to Storytime Phoenix, you agree that your work is original. You agree to waive the right to legal action of any kind against Storytime Phoenix or any of its affiliates for any reason.
We accept international submissions.
We accept e-submissions only. Please send all submissions to:
storytimephoenixsubmissions@gmail.com with your last name and type of submission in the subject line.
For other inquiries: storytimephoenixpress@gmail.com